Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ribbon Everywhere

Greetings - I am back into normal Peruvian life now, now that the excitement of birthdays and engagements has sizzled down a notch. Tis true what Maggie shared in the last post. My sweetheart and I engaged each other last week and plan to marry early next year. It was very exciting, emotional and most of all, natural. I never would have imagined when I came to Peru with Maggie in December 2007 that this would happened, but now that it has, I just can't imagine my life without Hugo and without a shared life together.

So these wonderful and amazing moments happen, but the regular day to day still calls my name. We have been busier than ever with classes - and the classes these past two weeks have involved ribbon, ribbon, and more ribbon. This coming week we will take a ribbon break, but then be back at it the following week. I never would have imagined ribbon design would be so popular. But, I always remind myself, if it helps the women in some way, a little more income than before, go with it. So, for awhile anyway, we will have ribbon everywhere.
Paz ~Nora

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