Friday, August 21, 2009

Final Days in Cajamarca...

Today is “Dia de Compras” at the Hope House. From 3 until 6 PM people are coming by to check out products made by the DHF women. It’s a great opportunity for the women to get feedback on the items they make and to earn some money for their work. Yesterday we organized all the of the items being sold. The women brought their earrings, necklaces and purses, and Nora, Desiree and I picked out the items to take back to the States. My expertise in women’s fashion was much appreciated in the selection process.

So this will likely be my last post from Cajamarca. The weekend is here and I’m going to try to do some sightseeing before I leave. I have really enjoyed my time here working with Nora and the DHF women. It has been a great experience seeing the reality of microcredit and how powerful a tool it can be for development. I look forward to turning my interviews and workshops into a resource guide for the women.

Additionally, I have greatly enjoyed Cajamarca. The scenery is beatiful, the food is good, the people are extremely nice and life is pretty slow. It was a great experience to stay with a family. It definitely helped knock the rust off my Spanish and opened the door to culture in Cajamarca.

I’ll be heading back to the States on Sunday and arriving in Houston on Monday. Thanks for reading and following my trip!

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