Thursday, April 3, 2008

Literacy images

This week was another week to visit literacy classes - check in, make sure things are moving along OK, and OH, bring a chalkboard to one of our groups. Lily is pictured here in the non-muddy section of our walk to bring her chalkboard to her class. Our taxi couldn't take us all the way to the house where classes are held because the road is to narrow. But, no worries - the chalkboard made it. After visiting Lily's class, I walked to Lucia's class, which is only 20 minutes down the road. I needed to check-in with this group because last week when they met there was only 1 student present, and she arrived an hour late. This week there was 3 students and they were all busy writing in their notebooks when I arrived. We talked about changing days that women will have classes to make it more convenient. The group also agreed that they would like to mix their literacy classes with "manualidades," or handicraft workshops. So during their Saturday classes, their will be an hour of class and an hour of handicrafts. We'll try it, see how it goes. For me I am just happy to see there is still some interest.

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